Sunday 24 October 2010


.. today I am singing together with The Monkees - ...I'm in love!uuuuuuuu! i'm a believer I couldn't leave her (him :D) if i try..! :) today found this old picture of one of my captured happy moments

and started to think about all my dreams and plans i used to have and still have and what I have done to get closer to them and what should I do to not let them go. and I am came to conclusion that when you stop dreaming you lose some part of your identity and that uncorrupted children view to things and life and I don't want to lose my sight of the good things even if that it's a silly, childhood dream, spontaneous idea or thought of the moment.. SOOO i am going to be more spontaneous, say more "YES" and risk, "jump" and "swim" down the stream more often. AND I should start to not listen to people who say that's CRAZY, or no one does that, or asks too many questions which starts with "W". like WHY? just like Holly (Breakfast at Tiffany's) who did things just because she haven't done them before :)

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