Wednesday 15 January 2014

Cleaning your closet - tips for getting ready to a Swap Party

My Swap Party is around the corner (this Sunday) so here are some tips that might help you to get ready for it! :)
We all get attached to our own things and no one wants to give away them, neither do I, but than I started wondering - do I really need all that stuff?
I started to go through my closet: shoes, dresses, accessories, hats, scarves, belts and I was impressed HOW many wonderful things I have, but the question remains - do I really need all of them? will I ever wear this again? or I just keep it because I looked adorable in it? because what we want to kid - we will not going to wear all that things anyway, so why not give them away or even better - swap them for something you will love and wear often?! and the best plus is - you won't spend a dime! so girls, c'mon! don't think too much, just be brutal and pack away all the things and free some space for the new ones.

so here is some tips that I use to depart from my stuff:

1) go through your closet and check what you have there, if you can't close the doors in the closet without pressing in something - you most likely have too much!
2)  think, if you would have to move to a smaller apartment with smaller closet (worst possible scenario ever) and you would have limited space - what would you leave behind?
3) take out all the things you haven't worn for last year or two (yes, even if it is stunning)

4) check! if there is some item-accessory/shoes that is lovely and was half-price off, but you just cannot find an use of it or a place in the home, so you keep it in the drawer - for your future 5 bedroom apartment!
5) Check! if something is not fitting you anymore (you won't lose/gain 10kgs just to wear those fabulous 100$ Diesel Limited edition jeans you bought it in sample sale)  - it' s time to give it away - you won't wear them, trust me!

 6) think of how many new things you would like to add to your collection in next year and than match the space for them in the closet - is there still any??

7) ask yourself - have you ever received a compliment on this thing? do you feel good/comfortable wearing it?

trust me! it is not the end of the world if you will give away some of your stuff to someone that will find a value in it! (AND, if feeling like the item is too valuable - you can always put a price tag on it and bring it over as well, if don't want to swap it! :)  NO limitations! :)
see you on Sunday! and DON'T BE SHY! someone's old thing can be someone's else next FAVORITE piece!

p.s. here are 7 tips how to quit buying things you don't need!

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